Our services

Inner Peace Authentic Happiness Joy of Living

We share the wisdom of the Authentic Zen Way of Living in many ways…

Recipe For Zen offers a variety of resources and services. All our services incorporate Authentic Zen philosophy/practices including mindfulness and focus on assisting our clients to achieve peace of mind and enhancing physical and emotional well-being.

Zen Way of Living will bring balance and calmness to your busy life.

It will free you from unhealthy “attachments” and liberate you to be who you truly are - find Authentic Self.

We are here to help you to achieve the wellness of MIND and BODY.

Zen Way of Living can help with:

  • Stress Management

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Management of unhelpful emotions

  • Developing resilience

  • More restful sleep

  • Reduced pain experience

  • Focused mind

  • Improved energy level

  • Improved productivity and performance

  • Authentic Happiness - Joy of Being

  • Overall mental wellness

  • General physical well-being

If you cannot be happy with NOW,

you are never going to be happy 

- Recipe For Zen


Zen Coaching

Recipe For Zen offers personal coaching services with a focus on mindfulness, meditation, and achievement of peace of mind to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of our clients.

Our coaches are certified and abide by the International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics and demonstrate competencies as outlined by the ICF.

Our Zen coaching incorporates effective coaching techniques with Zen philosophy and practices.

The philosophical background of the Zen way of living include:

  • Living in Harmony with nature

  • Mindfulness

  • Gratitude

  • Respect

  • Kindness

  • Unconditional Love and Compassion for all

  • Forgiveness

  • Zazen meditation

The above underlies Zen coaching practice at Recipe For Zen.

Zen coaching is based on the idea that we all have 執着shuujaku – an unhealthy attachment that is inherently reflective of our distorted thoughts. We feel attached to objects, emotions, and people for their perceived values.

We want to be loved, praised, be happy, be healthy, have a nice house, a good job, be a good parent…Good or bad, these are all 執着shuujaku.

執着shuujaku causes suffering because when we have unhealthy attachments, we are motivated to hold onto them. We are always trying to attain/hold on to what we think we need (because we believe it gives us pleasure) and trying to avoid losing what we think we need (because we think it causes pain). This, of course, causes suffering - you are never truly satisfied.

We are only “attached” to the object of our 執着Shuujyaku because we PERCEIVE it to be valuable.

When 執着shuujaku rules your life, you would feel:

  • Lost and confused

  • Unfulfilled

  • Empty

  • Sad, upset

  • Angry, frustrated

  • Stressed

  • Exhausted

  • Stuck

  • Scared

  • Fear the future/uncertainty/unkown

  • Anxious

Our perception is often distorted by 執着shuujaku (unhealthy attachment), along with 渇愛 Katsuai (greeds and cravings), and 煩悩 Bonno (earthly desires) which can lead to 雑念Zatsunen (distractive thinking), and 妄想Mousou (delusional thinking),

Zen teaches us that all sufferings derive within ourselves due to such distorted perceptions and unhealthy attachments. Zen coaching will free you from 執着shuujaku, and other non-adaptive thinking processes and unnecessary cravings to help you re-discover your true authentic nature.

Zen Buddhism believes that we are all born with the 仏性 Busshou ‐Buddha nature – a perfectly pure and happy existence. In Zen Buddhism, this pure existence is our true nature. Our earthly desires and worldly thoughts cause sufferings and taint the Buddha nature. When we strip ourselves of 執着shuujaku, we can re-discover our true nature - where we are free from all sufferings.

This leads to clarity of mind, a sense of liberation, and authentic happiness.

When you achieve the calm state of mind without 執着shuujaku clouding your judgement, you can then make more authentic decisions and take steps to achieve goals that are truly important to you.

Living the Zen way of living will help you re-discover the wonder and joy of life where you are truly present and mindful in the moments, and able to appreciate the beauty of nature, and life within - without judgments but with pure love.

Traditional Japanese Healing

Traditional Japanese Healing is commonly known as Reiki, or may also be referred to as therapeutic touch or energy healing.

Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing method using palms/hands and gentle non invasive touch. This kind of hand healing has been practiced since ancient times in many parts of the world.

It uses 気 Ki energy - often referred to as “universal life force energy” thought to be abundant all around and within us. Reiki healing can unblock where this 気 Ki energy became stagnant, and recharge us, helping us to be 元気 Genki - healthy - again.

According to Japan Reiki Therapist Association, Reiki is practiced in over 121 countries with over 8 million people benefiting from its healing.

Mikao Usui – a trained Zen Practitioner/monk formalised/founded Usui Reiki Ryoho in the 1920s in Japan. This “Reiki” practice then spread to the rest of the world and become popular, adapting to the western world.

Reiki is a CAM (complementary and alternative medicine). For more general information, please see Better Health Channel webpage.

“Reiki” practice that is popular now is not a traditional “Reiki”. Modern Westernised form of Reiki often involves chakra, set hand positions and sequences, and emphasised use of Reiki symbols. This does not mean it is not effective or we oppose its practice. It is just very different from the traditional Reiki which is a simple therapeutic method to treat 病腺Byosen (areas of disharmony/illness/injury) with Zen philosophy supporting its practice, aiming to heal mind and body.

So to distinguish the traditional Reiki we offer at Recipe For Zen from other forms of Reiki available, we are calling it “Traditional Japanese Healing” here.

Traditional Japanese Healing promotes self-healing and Recipe For Zen emphasises on not just providing healing, but also training our clients to perform self-healing which can be incorporated into/practiced as a mindfulness exercise/meditation.

The traditional form of Japanese Reiki also promotes 安心立命 Anshinritsumei - the state of peaceful mind that is unwavering in any situations. Traditional Japanese Reiki healing puts emphasis on 五戒Gokai - Precepts as a daily practice. Reiki in its traditional form is also a way of life rather than just a healing practice. Healing is just a part of a happy and healthy life Reiki practices promotes.

For more information about Traditional Japanese Healing, please download a free ebook.

The ebook contains information about:

  • What is Reiki

  • Traditional Japanese Reiki

  • Reiki Session (what to expect)

  • Benefits of Reiki

  • Reiki Practitioner Credentials

  • Scientific Research

It is also recommended that you read the free ebook and other Reiki resources prior to your first healing session if you are not familiar with Traditional Japanese Healing. Please refer to the “Resources” page for more information.

Further information on Reiki can be found at the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP).

Recipe For Zen practitioners are members of, and abide by the IARP Code of Ethics.


Corporate Services

Drawing on Senior Management experiences, principal Zen practitioner, Mio Rei can provide a unique blend of business and management advice to support management capacity development, balanced with Zen inspired coaching to support individual growth focusing on enhancement of physical and emotional well-being, ultimately leading to overall business and personal performance improvement. 

Our service can be offered face to face, via zoom and also on-site (travel and accommodation costs may apply).

  • Authentic Zen Practices Training/Workshops (groups or individuals; face to face, zoom, and flexible online access can be offered)

  • Zen inspired Executive/Management/Leadership coaching (face to face, Zoom, phone)

  • OtherTtraining/Workshop customised to meet unique needs of clients

Corporate Wellness Day

We can offer a range of topics and programs all incorporating Authentic Zen practices to address:

  • Work Life Balance

  • Stress Management

  • Mental Wellbeing - Zen to Happiness

  • Authentic Zen Mindfulness Meditation

  • Mindful Eating for Health

  • Mindfulness Habits for Zen way of living

Corporate Wellness Incentives

We offer gift vouchers for our services. Those vouchers can be used as a motivational prize for performance, as a gratitude gift at holiday seasons, or gifted to "employee of the month".

For groups

Recipe For Zen regularly offers group program/workshop/training on Authentic Zen practices with a wide range of contents including mindfulness exercises, meditation, self healing, Authentic Japanese derived dietary and lifestyle based practices and much more.

Many of the programs offered include educational and informative exploration and sharing of knowledge about Japanese culture, Zen as a way of living, and Zen Buddhism to promote in depth and immersed understanding of philosophical and cultural context underlying Authentic Zen practices.

  • Authentic Zen Practices Workshop/Training

  • Custom Authentic Zen Practices Workshop/Training

Those workshop/training/program can be tailor made to group needs, and can be delivered face to face and/or online.

*minimum number of participants apply

*travel and accommodation costs may apply


Speaking Engagement

Mio Rei is available for speaking engagements.

The speaking fee is dependent on the length of speech and audience size.

For not for profit organisations, charity, and educational institutions, we may be able to offer free service. Please contact Recipe For Zen to discuss your requirements.